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Water fountain manufacturers products combined with the performance of music

Publish Time:2022/03/10 NEWS Number of views:733

    Water fountain manufacturers products and music performance combination, musical fountain is through the thousands of changing fountain shape, combined with colorful colored light lighting, to reflect the connotation of music and the theme of music, a good musical fountain, the water shape changes should be able to fully express the music. We use many high-tech means, after years of repeated exploration and continuous improvement, in technology can guarantee.

Water fountain manufacturers

Magician computer music system using digital synchronization processing technology, so that the music and water type changes in 0.1 seconds, to give in the sensory and auditory effects, the use of multi-level decentralized control structure and isolation design to ensure systemic, reliability and stability; modular design, so that the system scalability, compatibility, easy to use installation and maintenance.


Water fountain manufacturers products and music performance complete combination, musical performance fountain is in the program control fountain based on the addition of music control system, the computer through the audio and MIDI signal recognition, decoding and coding, the final signal output to the control system, so that the fountain shape and lighting changes and music to keep in sync, so as to achieve the fountain water type, lighting and color changes and the combination of music mood, so that the fountain performance more vivid and more connotative.




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