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How to choose the installation location of Chengdu Waterscape fountain

Publish Time:2021/01/12 NEWS 标签:Chengdu waterscape fountainsNumber of views:692

People who have seen the water fountain in Chengdu will feel the rhythm and rhythm of the water spray changing with the music. The lighting, music and water spray are all changing synchronously. It’s really wonderful. However, if you pay attention, you will find that the installation sites of waterscape fountains in Chengdu generally have a similar feature, that is, they are all in the center of some lakes or on relatively large man-made pools. Before the music starts, on the calm water, there seems to be nothing worth seeing or stopping for. But when the music starts, it just means that the fountain is about to be staged. This feeling is really amazing. The tenderness of water can be molded into various shapes, which is so beautiful.


Chengdu waterscape fountains

Therefore, most of the installation sites of Chengdu waterscape fountains are on some calm lakes or pools, because only in this way can it give full play to its modeling beauty and rhythmic beauty. On the other hand, there are natural advantages in these places, so it is more convenient to take water, instead of diverting water from other places, which appropriately realizes the recycling of water.

