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How to design a musical fountain

Publish Time:2020/05/12 NEWS 标签:Music fountainNumber of views:1346

I believe most people must have seen a music fountain. Many large squares in large cities will basically have a music fountain. Through manual installation and setting, you can spray water and sing songs at a certain time. So how do we design a musical fountain to make it more beautiful? The following Jiayue Music Fountain Company will come to talk to everyone.

music fountain


1. The form of squirting, which is an important design link. If the squirting is circular, then when designing, do not choose animals for the squirting objects. Because if it is an animal, we only have to squirt out of the animal’s mouth or a certain point, so the squirting ring is not good-looking. If it was just sprayed out at a certain point, it would look very stingy.

2. The selection of music, as an important part, is definitely required. The first must be cheerful music, when we design the spray of the fountain, there will be many design methods. Bringing a harmonious citrus to everyone will also be a kind of enjoyment for people who appreciate it.

3. The choice of location, we must choose a more spacious place, and then with the neon lights, then it can arouse the resonance in people’s hearts and bring people a more pleasant feeling.

No matter how the designers design, they must conform to people’s aesthetics, so the design is good. Some more unique designs may make some people shine, but they may not meet the aesthetics of most people.

The above is the sharing that Jiayue Fountain Company brings to everyone, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


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