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Urban music fountain water feature design points

Publish Time:2019/06/17 NEWS Number of views:837

Key points on the design of urban music fountain water features

music fountain

1. Main scene and scenery
In various artistic creations, first determine the theme, sub-topics, key points, general, protagonist, supporting role, main scene, and scenery. Therefore, under the premise of determining the title of the garden, the main artistic image is considered, that is, the main landscape of the garden is considered. The main scenery can be strengthened by the matching scenery, foiling and setting of the secondary scenery.
In order to express the theme, the main theme in the garden and architectural art is usually the following:
(1) Axis symmetry In the layout, one axis is determined in a certain direction. The main scene is usually arranged above the axis. On the two sides of the main scene, one or several pairs of secondary scenes are often arranged to accompany the main scene. Such as Tiananmen Square, Versailles Palace, Guangzhou Uprising Martyrs Cemetery.
(2) The main scene is elevated, and the main scene is elevated. It is an ordinary and commonly used artistic means. The elevation of the main scene is often used in conjunction with the central axis symmetry method, such as the Washington Memorial Garden and the Beijing People’s Hero. Remember the monument and so on.
(3) The intersection of the horizontal and horizontal four-compartment space of the arches In the garden, the four-in-one space of the ring arches mainly appears in the wide horizontal landscape or surrounded by the mountain-type basin-type garden space, such as the Santan Yinyue in the West Lake of Hangzhou. The natural garden is surrounded by earthy hills and woods, and is also a four-in-one space. With the surrounding forest belt, the main scene can be arranged at the visual intersection, which can play a prominent role in the main scene.
(4) The center of gravity of the composition The center of gravity of the triangle and the circular pattern is the center of the geometric composition, which is often the best position for handling the main scene and plays the best signal effect. The visual center of the natural landscape garden is in the middle.
(5) Gradual gradient method is the garden scene object bureau, adopting the gradual method, from low to high, gradually upgrading, from the secondary scenery to the main scene, the level introduction, through the sequence arrangement of the garden landscape, fascinating, leading to the main scene .
2. Contrast and reconciliation
Contrast and reconciliation. It is the basic law of the use of unity and change in the layout, the concrete manifestation of the image of the object. Use a sudden change to create an effect that evokes interest. The method of reconciliation is mainly manifested by the unity and coordination of layout forms and garden materials.
In garden design, the contrast method is mainly applied to spatial contrast, dense contrast, virtual and real contrast, contrast between Tibetan and Tibetan, high and low contrast, and straight contrast. The main scene and the scenery itself are a contrasting expression of “primary and secondary contrast”.
3. Rhythm and rhythm
In the garden layout, the same scenes are often repeated, and the same scenes are repeated and laid out, which is the application of rhythm and rhythm in the garden. Rhythm can be divided into continuous rhythm, gradual rhythm, staggered rhythm, and undulating rhythm.
4. Equilibrium and stability
In the garden layout, the statics are all based on the momentum to obtain the equilibrium, or the quasi-symmetric equilibrium. Symmetrical equilibrium is static equilibrium. Generally, the scenes on both sides of the main axis are balanced by equal distance, volume and form, that is, equilibrium with the gas state. The pseudo-symmetric equilibrium is that the main axis is not on the center line, and the scenes on both sides are not equal in shape, size, and distance from the main axis, but the two scenes are in dynamic equilibrium.
5. Scale and proportion
Any object, regardless of shape, must have three directions, a measure of length, width, and height. The ratio is to study the relationship between the three. Any garden landscape must study three relationships: one is the three-dimensional space of the scene itself; the second is the whole and the part. The scale in the garden refers to the comparison of various components in the garden space with objects with a certain natural scale. Functional, aesthetic and environmental characteristics determine the scale of garden design. The scale can be divided into variable scale and immutable scale. The immutable scale is a scale determined by the normal size of a general human body. Variable scales such as the shape of the building, the size of the statue, and the extent of the bridge view are all subject to specific conditions. The exaggerated scale is often used in gardens. The exaggerated scale is often to enlarge or reduce the scene to meet the needs of gardening and landscaping.


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